How to Write a letter to Your Principal Asking For Leave For 5 Days

A letter can either be formal letter or informal letter cover Letter or Crossed letter, A formal letter need to be concise when addressing it to an organization like schools, business establishment etc. As a student you are adhere to give a valid reason if you are to Write a letter to Your Principal Asking For Leave For 5 Days as you don’t need to start writing the problems or issues at hand on why you are addressing the letter to your principal or school authorities. In as much as you want your request to be granted, you need to be more professional in your writing.

In this Article is the guidelines of writing letter to Your Principal either a student or as an employee seeking a 5 days leave to your employer. You are advised to use an angled format of letter writing where you begin your writing on the left hand side, let take a look at the guidelines if you are to Write a letter to Your Principal Asking For Leave For 5 Days;

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The guideline format you should adhere to when writing a letter to your principal asking for a 5 days leave as a student or an employee should consist of the following;

  • DATE
  • BODY

ADDRESS: Address is the first thing to indicate in your formal letter and using Angled format, you are to indicate t in the top left side of your letter. Avoid writing too lengthy address on a line as you are to write briefly and move to the next line to continue with the address.

Moving to the right side after leaving a line is the principal address of either you school or your organization, the address should be in FULL.

DATE: The ate you are addressing the letter to your principal is important, this represent the official date you have tender the letter seeking for permission and the format for writing a date should be 3rd October 1988 and not 3/10/1988.

SALUTATION: The salutation should indicate the Principal’s name, if you know the full name of whom you are addressing your letter to, then include their name(s) in the letter but if otherwise, you can address the letter as Dear SIR/MA.

SUBJECT: This is the heading of your letter i.e. the reason why you are addressing this letter to your principal which should be written in uppercase to make your letter more appealing to read by your principal.


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BODY: This is where the major work is, you are to be concise or precise which means you should state directly the reason “Leave For 5 Days”. Start by introducing your self and then go further to state the reason for addressing the letter to him/her. Next paragraph is to plea for your request to be granted.

katherine Henshaw
84 Walh-forth street
NewYork, united states.


The principal
Nowkwood college,
off major street
Alabama, United States.

12th September, 2005

Dear Josh Hawkins



I am katherine a 4th grade student in Nowkwood college and am writing this letter to request for a 5 days leave as regards to a routine vacation with my family and relatives which is scheduled between 15th of October to 20th October 2005.

I have met with my subjects teacher and there has been an agreement that all classwork and homework will be submitted via their emails during these 5 days absence from school.

i will greatly appreciate your kind gesture if my request is granted and i am committed to to be in my utmost behavior and represent the school in the best capacity i can, Thank you so much and if you need to get in touch with me, contact me on 743-xxx-xxxx.

Yours faithfully
Name of student

SIGNATORY: This is the ending part on how to Write a letter to Your Principal Asking For Leave for Days, it includes yours sincerely or yours faithfully followed by the signature and name of the student in full.

With this, you will be able to write a comprehensive, precise formal letter asking your principal for a 5 days leave. ensure you stick to these principles and unfailingly your request will be granted.

You are advise to write a the letter as earlier as possible because writing when you need your request urgent have 90% chances it will be rejected except for situation of emergency or complicated health issues.

As an Employee you can follow the above format but here are the chances you need to make which includes;

Your full name and tittle
JOB title
todays Date

Recipient Name
company or Organization
Full Address


To Write a letter to Your Principal Asking For Leave For 5 Days, Mistakes you should avoid are;

  • Avoid shortening of word i.e. that’s instead of that is
  • Avoid writing personal problems when writing about your request
  • Repetition of why you want to be granted the leave
  • Avoidable grammatical errors.

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Also you might in a situation where you need to write a scholarship letter to your principal, a situation when you need to show your gratitude to you principal after getting a scholarship in your school. The format for writing such letter is of no difference with the one written above. In this case there is no need to include your Address or (Home Address) in your letter.

March 10 2022


The principal
Nowkwood college,
off major street
Alabama, United States.

Dear Josh Hawkins

I am very grateful for the immense help you have rendered to me in getting a scholarship that will ease the financial burden on me during my stay in school before Graduation, This therefore will ease the amount in expenses that i will be spending on a daily basis without this scholarship. My family and i really appreciate you for this kind gesture in securing my scholarship and i hope after Graduation i will be able to secure a job and help my family and the expenses that was meant for my education will be transferred to my siblings.

As indicated on the scholarship, i will be awarded a sum of XXXXUSD which will be transferred to my bank account as i continue my course of study in Applied Art at the College/university under your guidance and watch to help me realize my Educational Goals.

Yours truly


Name of student.

With the Above format, you can Address a scholarship letter to your Principal in college or university after securing the scholarship with his help showing your gratitude..


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