Macquarie University Scholarships 2023 for PhD International Students

Another opportunity is available right here on this article as Legit scholarship will bring you some of the latest Fully Funded Macquarie University Scholarships 2023 for PhD International Students and be rest assured that one of the best places or country to achieve a Full Funding PhD Studentship is in Australia.

Study and obtain a degree in Higher Degree research at Macquarie University, with a quite numbers of PhD scholarships available right Now for international students in all parts of the world, you could obtain that desired PhD degree on a fully funded Scholarships.

However, to participate in the scholarship opportunities available to international students at Macquarie university, there are certain eligibility requirements each applicants will meet and the best and deserving candidate will be awarded the scholarship in their field of study. Check Out Universities in Australia without IELTS 2022 | Study Abroad

Macquarie university is a destination of students who shares the value of the university helping to transform learning and experiencing the best of quality education at the university. Macquarie university is known across Australia as its has merge with the megalopolitan settings of Australian natural bushland.

You need to apply for these few open Fully Funded Macquarie University Scholarships 2023 for PhD International Students as the application closing dates is Coming nearer as each day passes by. Get that desired Degree while you worry less about your Financial capacity to fund your tuition and other expenses at postgraduate level in Australia.

Below are the list of the PhD scholarships and How to Apply for the Desired program of your Choice while we also refer you to resourceful pages to fully understand Macquarie university scholarships 2023 before applying for any of these scholarships.

List of Macquarie University Scholarships 2023 for PhD International Students

  • International Road to Research Scholarship – Session 2 2023
  • Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Integrated photonic circuits – DC-47- International
  • Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Laser written optical devices for astrophotonic and planetology applications – DC-9- International
  • Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Generation and application of high brightness light sources in the mid-infrared – DC-38- International
  • International Road to Research Scholarship – Session 2 2023
  • Attention – International
  • Trust-Oriented Data Analytics in Online Social Networks- International
  • Macquarie University Ukraine PhD Scholarship
  • A new molecular tool for direct reading of DNA methylation- International
  • Swarm construction: ant-inspired processes for teams of building robots – International
  • Sea Ice Evolution and Pattern Formation- International

Most of these Macquarie university scholarships are for international students students worldwide, others are for International students in Mexico and china

Study Area Of Macquarie University Scholarships 2022

  • Multiple areas selected (Any Fields)
  • Engineering
  • Law and legal studies
  • Linguistics
  • Biomedical Research; Neuroscience
  • Creative arts, communication and culture
  • Biological sciences

International Road to Research Scholarship

This Scholarships is for Applicants who wants to apply Macquarie Master of Research Year 2 provides thorough research relevant training for candidates interested in shorter research projects or pursuing a research career.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

SEE ALSO: 2075 Australian Awards Scholarship 2022-2023 Application Online

Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Integrated photonic circuits – DC-47- International

This is a position on offer to carry out your PhD within the Australia-France Network of Doctoral Research Excellence (AFRANDE) while employed and enrolled at Centrale Supélec, France, and Macquarie University, Australia.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Laser written optical devices for astrophotonic and planetology applications – DC-9- International


This is a position on offer to carry out your PhD within the Australia-France Network of Doctoral Research Excellence (AFRANDE) while employed and enrolled at Université Grenoble Alpes, France, and Macquarie University, Australia.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Australia-France Network of Doctoral Excellence (AUFRANDE): Generation and application of high brightness light sources in the mid-infrared – DC-38- International


This is a position on offer to carry out your PhD within the Australia-France Network of Doctoral Research Excellence (AFRANDE) while employed and enrolled at Université de Limoges, France, and Macquarie University, Australia.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

International Road to Research Scholarship – Session 2 2023


The Road to Research (Master of Research Year 2) Scholarship is for applicants who are eligible to commence the Macquarie Master of Research Year 2 in Sydney, Australia in Session 2 2023.

The Macquarie Master of Research Year 2 provides thorough research relevant training for candidates interested in shorter research projects or pursuing a research career.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Attention – International

This scholarship is for a higher degree research candidate to work on selective and sustained attention, using behavioural and potentially brain imaging methods to understand the way we maintain attentive processing and what happens when attention lapses.

The successful candidate will work collaboratively within the context of a research team spanning three countries: Macquarie University (Australia; Anina Rich), Cambridge University (UK; Alex Woolgar) and the University of Utah (USA; David Strayer). With international collaboration and mentoring, and the scope to develop an original project within this grant-funded research, this position is an excellent career development opportunity for an outstanding early career researcher.

Please note: Applicants should have a Bachelor and Master degree in a related field (e.g., Psychology, Cognitive science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Biomedical engineering).

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Trust-Oriented Data Analytics in Online Social Networks- International

Trust-oriented data analytics is essential in online social networks for reducing deceitful interactions and enhancing trust between users. This project aims to systematically devise innovative solutions by considering rich social contextual information as an important source of trust. The expected outcomes of this project include innovative solutions from a fundamental perspective to the challenges of context-aware trust propagation, trust network searching/matching, and trustworthy/malicious user prediction in online social networks. This project is significant as it will advance the knowledge base for enabling a trustworthy social networking environment, benefiting billions of Australian and worldwide online social network user.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Macquarie University Ukraine PhD Scholarship

The Graduate Research Academy understands that there may be a number of Ukrainians whose PhD study, or plans for further academic study, has been disrupted. Macquarie University will therefore provide up to 5 scholarships for qualified PhD applicants from the Ukraine.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

A new molecular tool for direct reading of DNA methylation- International

A DNA sequence is the code for life, but its chemical modifications (epigenetics) determine how that code is used. Chemical modifications of DNA such as DNA methylation affect cellular processes and control genes and genetic programs by turning them “on” and “off”. The most commonly modified base on DNA is cytosine with its most common modification being addition of a methyl group at the fifth position of the cytosine ring to make 5-methylcytosine (5mC). Since the methyl group can also be removed from 5mC, this base modification represents one of the most important cellular regulatory mechanisms for controlling gene expression, protein output (proteomics), and genomic stability.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Swarm construction: ant-inspired processes for teams of building robots – International

Construction and manufacturing can be dangerous, wasteful industries —prime candidates for automation by teams of mobile robot builders. However, our understanding of how to program robots for teamwork is limited. This project aims to understand how colonies of weaver ants build complex silk nest structures using decentralised, self-organised processes. The first phase will utilise individual tracking techniques to follow worker positions, coupled with frequent 3D-scanning of the emerging nest structure, to characterise the individual-level behaviours and interaction rules used at each stage of construction. This data will be used to assemble a theoretical framework, validated by simulation modelling and robophysical tools, that explicitly links individual-level behaviour to team-based coordination and stage transitions, and finally emergent structural outcomes. This framework will be transformational in our understanding of a range of other complex systems in nature and engineering. Insights from the biology and modelling phases of the project will be combined to deliver the first generation of bio-inspired robots that use teamwork to adaptively 3D-print complex structures without the need for oversight or pre-planning. The investigation spans concepts of behavioural ecology, computational science and robotic engineering, and candidates with experience in one or more of these fields will be desirable.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Sea Ice Evolution and Pattern Formation- International

The candidate will conduct high-quality research activities within the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, led by Dr. Noa Kraitzman, to research on ” Sea Ice Evolution and Pattern Formation “. Sea ice covers about 10% of the ocean’s surface area and modulates ocean albedo, air-sea heat flux and ocean currents, which makes it a crucial part of our climate system. Sea ice is a multicomponent material composed of solid ice, liquid salty brine inclusions and gas inclusions. Brine inclusions form and merge to create channels through which fluid can flow, and affect the mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic properties of sea ice.

To Know More about the Scholarship Eligibility, Selection process, Selection criteria, Scholarships benefits and How to Apply CLICK HERE

Application Closing dates
Macquarie university application deadline 2022 ranges between 15th of March 2022 to 31st of Dec 2023 as we urge interested candidatures to Apply Macquarie University Scholarships 2022 for PhD International Students before their various respective closing dates.


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