Are you looking for Canadian Scholarships to study for both citizens and international students? In this article are some current ongoing Canada Scholarships you can apply for and might be lucky to be chosen in any institution of your choice. These scholarships are currently up and running for some time now; You should endeavour to apply as soon as possible so you could be guaranteed a space.
Table of Contents
Park solutions Scholarships
As applicants, you must or are currently enrolled in a post-high school program or will be enrolled in a post-high school program for nationals or international students.
How to Apply for park solutions Scholarships
For applicants to be eligible for Park solutions Scholarships, An essay of not less than 500 words should be convincing, persuasive, creative and innovative on the subject matter technology innovative in Parking solutions as your opinions are required on how efficient, effective and user-friendly park solutions are.
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Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a student in any college or university.
- Does not require any minimum GPA requirements for Application.
- Enrolled in any program in an accredited university, college or vocational school.
The total amount park solutions accord to successful applicants amounts to $1000 per annum.
How to Apply.
Ensure you meet the requirements above and apply via the official park solutions website (Apply here) if you are interested in this Canadian Scholarships.
Application deadline.
The application deadline for park solutions Scholarships is 15th October 2023.
There are also other Canadian Scholarships below which might interest you; although these scholarships vary in Amount, take a look at;
Ivypanda Annual video Scholarships
Ivypanda is a scholarship awarded to students who are into movie making or have a passion for movie making. It is like a contest where students participate, and the winner takes it all while the first runner up goes with a token.
Eligibility Criteria
- Participants are required to post a recorded video on how;
- The COVID-19 changes attitude towards self-study.
- COVID-19 self-care assessment.
How online Classes help in the post-pandemic world and applicants must ensure;
- The video is original.
- Covers the right topics.
- Video duration of 1:00 – 1:30 minutes.
- Format required; .mov, .mpeg4, .MP4, .avi
- Applicants are required to upload video in any hosting service of either Google Drive or Dropbox.
- Ensure you subscribe to ivypanda first and second YouTube channels and like and share video descriptions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Send an email to [email protected] with your video URL, a screenshot of the contest video shared on social media, a screenshot of the contest video subscription of the YouTube channel.
Winner of ivypanda Annual video scholarship amount to $1000 as runner up takes home $500 to support students in terms of financing Academic period via these Canadian Scholarships.
Submission Deadline.
Ivypanda Annual video Scholarship submission deadline is 31st, October 2023 and the winner will be announced on the 16th December 2024 via Ivypanda blog.
The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
Students are required to write an essay that is available to every student Worldwide. This is an essay contest where students could win various prices just like a Canadian Scholarships to study in any institution of your choice by funding your study with the price won.
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This essay contest is open to grade 11th and 12th students. Prices range from $5000 for the winner while the first and second runner up wins $1250 and $250.
Easy topics to be considered.
These topics are highly intellectual and need full meditation (See topics here)
Things to consider for participation.
- An essay is in English only.
- The essay should be 800 – 1600 in words
- The essay will be judged base on Arguments for or against these topics or “subject matter”.
How to Apply
This is the blog URL to Apply for Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
Essay Contest Deadline.
The application deadline for Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is November 6th, 2023.
These contests can help you fund your Academic tuition and or miscellaneous items as you study in Canada and get more enquires on these Canadian Scholarships.
Disclaimer: This website is not the official scholarship website of these sites; we bring you the latest scholarships for colleges and universities, which could also be in the form of grants and fellowship or contests. Legitschloarship blog is a standalone website.
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